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It's all about scale!
and ... Field of View!

Micro - very very small! We can start with Bacteria, a single cell organism that is one of the smallest cells alive.

A virus is not a cell (debate on its alive-ness, virus do replicate but do not meet criteria for living organisms, and most scientist think they are not alive!). A virus is very very small - Coronavirus is about 120 nanometers in diameter. Blown up 4000 times, they would be only the size of poppy seeds! A human hair, about 80 micrometers thickness, is many times larger than coronavirus.

Macro - very very large! Let's start with cells making up organisms who live in towns and cities on our Earth (Planet) that revolves around the Sun (a large star) in our solar system, that is in the Milky Way Galaxy, in the local group of galaxies forming a local supercluster of many Galaxies that are part of the very very large Universe! Now we are definitely at a Macro level! And ... our Universe is expanding ...
Our Sun is just one star among hundreds of billions of stars. Our Milky Way galaxy is large, but not as large as many other galaxies like our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. And there are billions of galaxies in our Universe. Macro scale for sure!
J. Gillerman © 2021

Pre-Coronavirus                       Coronavirus              Personal Protective Equipment

J. Gillerman 2021

SPIRALS in Nature - micro to macro

Tiny Snail

Hurricane Agatha 2022

Milky Way Spirial Galaxy

Chambered Nautilus

Cephalopod family


extinct marine mollusc animals

subclass Ammonoidea, class Cephalopoda

more closely related to living coleoids

(i.e., octopuses, squid and cuttlefish) than shelled nautiloids such as the living Nautilus species.

Very Very Very Micro ! ! !

CDC’s digital representation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

"This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically."

Field of View!

FOREGROUND - Things in the Foreground are in front of all other elements. They are the "front/top" layer and can look larger than things way in the distance, even if they are not (an "optical illusion").

BACKGROUND - Things in the Background are behind the objects in the foreground. This is often referred to as the bottom layer of an artwork

MIDGROUND - all layers between the Foreground and the Background


Field of View: A person or object closer to the camera, or your eye, will take up more of the FIELD OF VIEW and thus look larger than someone or an object farther away from the camera or your eye. (Perspective)

Sometimes during a Total Solar Eclipse, the Earth's Moon will appear larger than our Sun, though the Sun is actually MUCH MUCH larger than our Moon. This "optical illusion" is because the relative distance of the Moon to Earth is MUCH closer than the Sun is to us on Earth. So, from our Earth perspective, the Moon fills up more of our "Field of View" than does the Sun.

Representational and Nonrepresentational


REPRESENTATIONAL - ART that represents, depicts or recognizable objects or events from the  "real world" (nature, people, space objects, events)


NON-REPRESENTATIONAL - ART that does NOT try to depict or represent objects or events from the real world. It may simply depict shapes, colors, lines, etc., but may also express things that are not visible – emotions or feelings for example. Abstract Art is in this category.


INTERPRETATION - giving meaning to a work


POETIC - expresses emotion, feeling, suggestion, mood



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