Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman
Artist and Professor JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman creates interdisciplinary work exploring intersections of art, science, culture and technology. As our world moves toward extremes of technology and paradigm shifts overtaking ethics and environmental sustainability, her creative art, science and cultural investigations reach across boundaries, creating ecologically aware and globally conscious hybrids, collaborations and alliances. Her intermedia works combine electronic media, computers, video, light and digital imagery to create exhibits/installations, video, immersions, digital imagery and NFT. Her works are in collections, exhibited nationally/internationally in museums, science centers, galleries, public venues, broadcasts and virtually online. Inspired by passion and the temporal nature of natural phenomenon, she travels the world producing works that capture change – capturing events often related to total solar eclipses and active volcanic lava flows. Social Practice works explore social change, bioethics, ecology, urban eco-literacy, environmental justice and bringing STEAM experiences to multigenerational public and underserved disadvantaged communities through Art-Pod/nonprofit. Current works include immersive environments, Virtual Reality, NFT and BioArt with live bioluminescent algae. Professor: California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA., Director: Viper Vertex (Interactive Museum Exhibits), Director/CEO: Art Pod (nonprofit).
Education: MFA/Chicago Art Institute. BA/Duke University, NC

(Books, Reviews, Papers/Journals/Magazines. Articles about and by JoAnn Gillerman, Published/Distributed/Performed Video Works, Museum Exhibits/Installations)
LEONARDO Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
Volume 29 Number 4 1996 https://www.jstor.org/stable/i270980
Words on Works:
JoAnn Gillerman (Author: Words on Works)
The Sun Drops its Torch, Eros Interactive, AnArchy Partycam
... three works (installations and improvisation Cyber Performance) environments that fully envelope a viewer/ participant in an electronic space and time - address aspects of interactivity, sensitivity to spatial arrangement, sculptural elements and socialization of audiences.
The Oakland Museum of California,
May/June 1990, Volume 13, number 6
...Gillerman uses the technology of computer-generated and re-processed images combined with electronic and acoustic music to develop different ways of making abstract visual designs. Technically innovative and graphically oriented, the three videotapes, display some of the diverse possibilities offered by new computer arts technologies for work in video.
"Women of Vision," a six-week series showcasing films and videos by the Bay Area's best female filmmakers, debuts Wednesday night on PBS station KCSM, and continues through July 16.
Hosted by TV journalist Jan Yanehiro, "Women of Vision," which is in its fourth year, includes documentaries, features, animated short films and videos, with discussions with their creators. Each installment shows at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, and is repeated at 10 p.m. Saturdays.
Complete Article: JoAnn Gillerman by Celeste Connor
JoAnn Gillerman by Celeste Connor
JoAnn Gillerman is a Berkeley-based electronic media artist and educator who has taught at the California College of Arts and Crafts since 1976. Her artwork is impressively broad in range, including video production, interactive installation, interactive CD Rom, internet on-line design and performance art. Like most artist of her generation, Gillerman's early art training was in the fine arts, principally painting and printmaking. Yet, by the time she received her MFA from the Art Institute of Chicago in 1975, she had already begun to experiment in the new media of video and performance. Although they were created before artists had access to personal sized computers and appropriate software, the early works were interactive in nature. Gillerman has always been and remains interested in stimulating audience participation.
Gillerman started building a Sandin [video] Image Processor in 1976 before migrating to California. The Sandin, which she used to manipulate video signals in many subsequent live performances, was completed in 1977. Music and sound have always been important components in her art. Gillerman's first series of performances, dating between 1976-78, were accompanied by audio created by the Real* Electronic Symphony. In 1978 Gillerman was selected to broadcast excerpts of her work on KRON-TV the San Francisco NBC affiliate. In that same year, Video Free America featured her multi-channel installation "Predominantly Fafnir", in a one woman show. In 1980, David Ross curated a one woman show of her work at the Pacific Film Archive at the University Art Museum in Berkeley. During this period her pioneering work was also broadcast in Canada and Australia.
Viewed broadly, Gillerman's art of the 1970's ... explorations of relationship of visual imagery and music, live real-time ... Gillerman's signature themes of erotic and sensual elements are important threads that connect Gillerman's work over time ... Carried into the eighties ... Whispers in a Plane of Light Live Performance ... Orchid [Computer Graphics]... The Sun Drops its Torch [installation]... In the nineties ... continues her interest interactivity, audiences' relation to new technologies and media ...
In some sense, Volcanic Eclipse inaugurated a new phase of Gillerman's work ... a celebration of nature that provides a privileged view of an extraordinary confluence of cosmic events ...

"Volcanic Eclipse, a stunning video of both a total eclipse and an active volcanic eruption by JoAnn Gillerman ...
- Joanne Kelly
Artistic Director
IEEE Computer Graphics and applications
Year: 1986, Volume: 6, Issue: 12, Pages: 4-7
https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/cg/1986/12/mcg1986120004/13rRUxE04na ("Dancing Orchids and Other Art")
Jo Ann Gillerman - Cover and Feature Article
"About the Cover: Dancing Orchids and Other Art" by Margaret Neal
VOL. 10, NO. 4 / APRIL 1984 / PAGE 172
Complete Article: https://www.atarimagazines.com/creative/v10n4/164_Digicon_83.php
Digicon 83. by Paul D. Lehrman.
Jody Gillerman Takes It Off​
Whispers in a Plane of Light Live Performance, Digicon 83, Vancouver, Canada
Jo Ann Gillerman (video) in Live Performance with Jean Piché (music)
JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman on Image Processor in live performance of "Whispers in a Plane of Light", Digicon 83, © 1983 Gillerman
Digicon 83: Context for Computer Art
by Jerry Barenholtz,
Interdisciplinary Studies, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C.,Canada
i. Introduction
Video of Whispers in a Plane of Light Real-TIme Live Performance, , is Published/Distributed by
Siggraph Video Review, issue 14, Siggraph '84 Electronic Theater
Gillerman/Piché © 1984
Artweek, February 1995, Volume 26, Number 2
"O Brave New Digital World!" by Miles Beller
Photo/Caption: "EROS Interactive, 1994, Multimedia interactive installation", p15
Technology and Art Section: Artists & Technology: some issues of Individual application" by Leigh Ann Clifton
Multimedia Artist/JoAnn Gillerman- p23

Artweek, February 2002, Volume 33, Number 1
" ... The collaborative work, designed and produced by local artists JoAnn Gillerman and Rob Terry, is a state-of-the-art installation that morphs art and science. ..."

Artweek 1985, Oct, Vol 16, Number 34
The Mill Valley Festival by Christine Tamblyn
A particular focus this year was the blending of video and performance....
Labat and Heyward also participated in a panel discussion about video and performance, together with Jo Ann Gillerman, Lynn Hershman and Patrick Morgan. The panel indicated that video performance is in a state of transition - from the exploration of interface between art and life that characterized its early days to a new phase of experimentation with the conjunction between computer graphics and live action. ...
Fortunately, JoAnn GIllerman's Orchid, which shows baroquely elegant digitized images of orchids dissolving and reforming indicated that computer graphics systems can be used to produce viable alternatives to "video wallpaper".
Works Published/Distributed by Siggraph Video Reviews and Archive - Computer Graphics | Video

San Francisco Focus: Aug 1997 issue, Featured Artist Profile/pictures
Tales of the Cities: Edited by Leslie Crawford
Ray Fans by Susan Fry
" It's 3:36 PM in the abandoned city of Fatehpur Sikri, India. Rob Terry and JoAnn Gillerman wait breathlessly in the courtyard of a rose-colored mosque, their cameras pointed toward the sky.
Some might argue that however sublime the vision, once you've seen one solar eclipse, you've seen them all. Gillerman says these naysayers are missing out on each eclipse's startling and unique beauty. "Every one is different. In Hawaii, the corona was bluish white. In India, it was the color of steel, with radiating streamers of light."
And, however briefly, eclipses transform the world. "Everything turns golden, winds pick up, it can rain wiithout warning, stars appear in the middle of the day"
While Gillerman was the first addict, she says, Terry was an easy convert. Together ... their company, Viper Vertex, produces multimedia exhibits and CR-ROMs so others can see, or rather not see, the light.
This was a "staged" in-studio photo. When in the field capturing an eclipse with our custom camera recording equipment, it is safe and more practical to watch partial phases on our video display screens - and through telescope grade solar filters. Solar Eclipse Viewing safety IS important - so only watch the partial stages of a total solar eclipse through specific rated solar eclipse glasses, solar filters or displays. Never look directly at the sun, EXCEPT during totality.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
Video-Music: New Correlations, 1982 (and traveling)
"Five Responses to the Political Climate Nov 1980" © 1981 JoAnn Gillerman | Sound: James Gillerman
"What Are you Scared Of? © 1981 visual/music by Viper Optics
"Lady E" © 1981 visual/music by Viper Optics
(Viper Optics: JoAnn Gillerman, Jim Whiteaker, James Gillerman)
BIMS: 2nd Symposium on Biomedical Information Management Systems, Sept. 14-16, 1987,
School of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee University
​Tuskegee, Alabama
Jo Ann Gillerman: Computer Graphics, Video and Composite Image Making
Art, Medical and Scientific Imaging systems and applications
Presentation/workshop (Session V11)
Sydney Morning Herald
No. 45,368, 1983
Sydney, Australia
"Video for the '80's: Jo Ann Gillerman in Sydney",
by Margaret Werghein

Jo Ann Gillerman, a video artist and producer from California, is in Sydney to unveil some of it.
Gillerman, an assistant professor in video art at California College of Arts and Crafts, has been brought out by Metro Television for two weeks to give workshops in high tech video. She works with the latest in video effects equipment, and has brought a unique processor/video synthesizer with her for use in the workshops and demonstrations.
Much of her work is associated with the music clip in images choreographed to a particular particular piece of music. The music is usually by her brother, James Gillerman, with whom (in conjunction with a third person) she has a video production company, Viper Optics, in Oakland, California.
Until recently, interest in the kind of work Gillerman is doing has been mainly from academic and artistic circles. She was represented in shows at the International Computer Arts Exhibition in Tokyo in 1977 and 1978 and at many galleries and museums in the States.
Gillerman has also ben active as a performance artist, staging audio visual events using live pre-recorded and synthesized video with dancers and other performers. A highlight has been the fourth and fifth annual Hooker's Ball in San Francisco.
"The New TV Magicians"
Margaret Werghein Reports
Sydney, Australia, 1983
Jo Ann Gillerman at Metro Television, Sydney, Australia, 1983
"... Metro Television, Sydney's access video center, brought Jo Ann Gillerman, an American video artist, to Australia for two weeks to give workshops and demonstrations in high-tech video. She brought with her the Sandin [Video} Image Processor, which she built herself from circuits diagrams supplied by its designer, Dan Sandin, a researcher at the University of Illinois, Chicago." ...
"Gillerman, who works from Oakland, California, also uses a digital animation device called Aurora. ... Gillerman is one of several artists who use the studio at Aurora Systems. Being conversant with the technology behind it she is an ideal person to get the maximum out of this versatile new toy."
Caption: Abstract shapes evolve from one another, creating a new medium for artists. American Jo Ann Gillerman produced the sequence (above) and the cube (opposite/below) which "plays" with an image of Gillerman herself. Such techniques devised by the computer in fractions of a second, are revolutionizing TV image-making.
The SF Bay Guardian: After Dark, Sept 18, 1985, Vol 19, No 48
Bay Area Video is Booming
After Dark - Full Page Cover Image: 'Orchid' by Jo Ann Gillerman
COVER IMAGE and Caption:
Jo Ann Gillerman's 'Orchid' is among the video-art tapes being presented by the Mill Valley Videofest
VID Magazine, Vol. 2, Number 1, 1987
First video revolution Now the video revelation.
ORCHID LIVE PERFORMANCE at SIGGRAPH 86, Dallas Convention Center, TX
Because of the precision and flexibility of the Amiga computing power we are beginning to see and hear some astounding video art. At SIGGRAPH 86 in Dallas, the outstanding video artist Jo Ann Gillerman presented "Orchid, A Live Performance". This piece was a daring and sensual montage of live nude performers and real time computer generated graphics. To accomplish this Gillerman used two Amigas, the Fairlight C.V.I., a four minute Deluxe Video script, and the Amiga Live Digitizer.

Exhibition of Computer Graphics
in collaboration with
Siggraph 83 Art Exhibition,
Japan (published/distribution)

Clone Baby Computer Graphics/JoAnn Gillerman
1st Year, No.87 Sunday, May 29, 1983
Hayward/Oakland, California
Ms. Gillerman, who heads the film and video department at the California College of Arts and Crafts, built a video synthesizer in 1975 ... Based on designs by electronics expert Dan Sandin, the machine, which ... would be considered low tech today but can still create whirlwinds of imagery on command. ... Ms. Gillerman moved to Oakland in 1976 and formed Viper Optics ... [with] Jim Whiteaker, a graphics artist ... [and] James Gillerman, her brother, studied electronic music at Mills College [and was] a member of Ron Pellegrino's Real Electric Symphony which played "contemporary art music a la John Cage. ... On the arts scene they are already succeeding. The Whitney Museum in New York recently selected several Viper Optics tapes for a show called "Video-Music", which was exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. "Clone Baby," one of their most popular tapes, was also shown as a short on TV's "Creature Features." A razzle dazzle series of visual jokes accompanied by a new-wave beat, the tape is fast and fun.
March 2, 1994, Vol. 28, No.22
"Critic's Choice: Art" by Harry Roche
'Color in the Shadows: Bay Area Cyberart'
Photo is: Jo Ann Gillerman in AnArchy pARTyCam, Live Cyber Performance and Cyber Fashion

... MOIRÉ by Jo Ann Gillerman went beyond any search for meaning with a kind of visual poetry that is a real treat to watch. Here the imagery itself is the thing: ... a female form - where light, color and editing create an experience not totally unlike viewing certain other forms of modern art.
4 min. musicvideo (original video and music) - © 1984 Viper Optics
by Viper Optics (JoAnn Gillerman, Jim Whiteaker, James Gillerman)
Hollywood Erotic Film and Video Festival 1986
UC Theater/Berkeley/CA
"Best of the Hollywood Erotic Film and Video Festival 1986" on VHS/DVD"
Clone Baby by Viper Optics and Interview with James Gillerman and JoAnn Gillerman on Creature Features with John Stanley, Channel 2/KTVU, 1984

Creature Features with John Stanley
KTVU - Channel 2 - 1984
Clone Baby and Viper Video – Music Videos Broadcast
Live Video Interview with JoAnn Gillerman and James Gillerman of Viper Optics
MUSIC VIDEOS – VIPER VIDEO - a Viper Optics Production
Original Sound and Visuals by JoAnn Gillerman, Jim Whiteaker, James Gillerman

Some thoughts about Wearable Computers, ISWC, 2016 - Heidelberg, Germany
Author: Jo Ann Gillerman (Published in German Online/Berlin by Klaus Link for Music/Sound publication "Voices of the Streets"

Article published 2017
translated into German for Berlin on-line Publication: “Voices of the Street” (www.voicesofthestreet.net 017/01/15 - einige-gedanken-ueber-wearable-computer)
International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2016, Heidelberg, Germany

Computer History Museum, 1401 N Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043
First West Coast Computer Faire Proceedings
in collection of Computer History Museum
AUDIO Presentation/Paper
Jo Ann Gillerman
"Video Synthesis & Performance with an Analog Computer"

Jo Ann Gillerman presents work to United States Information Service, Calcutta, India, Dec. 1995
"Time and Talent" Group at USIS American Center in Calcutta, India, Nov. 17, 1995
United States Information Service
Calcutta, India
December, 1995
Ms. Jo Ann Gillerman
"The audience found the description and examples of your work, "The Sun Drops its Torch", extremely interesting. It was their first exposure to an electronic art presentation. The use of computers in creating art is an area very new in India. Since the solar eclipse was a rare experience for many Calcuttans, your presentation generated a grater interest in the event.
I congratulate you on the skill and creativity that have gone into this presentation. I greatly appreciate your willingness to offer this program and share your experience with Calcuttans."
SELECTED DISTRIBUTION | PUBLICATIONS | REVIEWS (about JoAnn Gillerman and/or authored by JoAnn Gillerman)
Leonardo: Journal of Art, Science and Technology, "Ylem: Artists Using Science and Technology in the Wilderness of Art in the 1990s" by Beverly Kleiber
(Leonardo Volume 57, Issue 3 (June 2024) - MIT Press
Some thoughts about Wearable Computers / Einige Gedanken über Wearable Computer, Author: JoAnn Gillerman, International Symposium for Wearable Computers in Heidelberg, Germany - Published: Voices of the Street, Berlin, Germany (on-line 2017)
CLICK 1: The Brightest in Computer-Generated Design and Illustration: © 1990 by North Light Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, First Edition, Editor Ellen Gerken, 149 pages (Distribution)
Digital Visions Computers and Art, Book, Author: Cynthia Goodman (Distribution)
Information Arts, Book, MIT Press - Author: Stephen Wilson (Distribution)
Izmir Bienale 2013 Book/ Catalogue - Seba Art Gallery, Turkey (Distribution)
Oakland Museum of the Arts, Oakland Museum of California, May/June 1990, Volume 13, number 6 - Video Visions, Electronic Dreams by Liz Kotz
San Francisco Focus: Featured Artist Profile & pictures (Aug '97issue) - Tales of the Cities: "Ray Fans: Eclipse-Chasers Rob Terry and JoAnn Gillerman" by Susan Fry
Leonardo: Journal of Art, Science and Technology Volume 29 Number 4 -MIT press: Words on Works: "The Sun Drops Its Torch; Eros INterACTive; Anarchy Partycam", JoAnn Gillerman
Siggraph/ACM Video Review, Issue 14, 1997: , “Whispers in a Plane of Light” Gillerman and Piché - Video-based publication of computer graphics art and science (Distribution)
Artweek, February 1995, Volume 26, Number 2 - "O Brave New Digital World!" by Miles Beller, Photo and article "EROS Interactive, 1994, Multimedia interactive installation, p15 & Technology and Art (Multimedia Artist/JoAnn Gillerman) by Leigh Ann Clifton, p23
Artweek, February 2002, Volume 33, Issue 1 –Review/Photos/Article: "'Shadow Dance' at Chabot Space and Science Center" by Celeste Connor
San Jose Mercury News, Sunday, October 11, 1998 (Photo of "Innovation Forum" Exhibit – Article: "Ethics: Ethics subtly mixes with Technology")
TechWeek, Vol 1, No. 19, 1999 – photo of Innovation Forum Exhibit, The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA
Computer Graphics & Applications, Magazine / Cover, About the Cover: Dancing Orchids and Other Art by Margaret Neal Magazine IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Year: 1986, Volume: 6, Issue: 12, Pages: 4-7
Sydney Morning Herald, No. 45,368, 1983, Sydney, Australia "Video for the '80's: Jo Ann Gillerman in Sydney", by Margaret Werghein
Video Free America Presents by Joanne Kelly (Video Art/Book 1978) Publisher: VideoFreeAmerica (Distributed)
YLEM Journal, Volume 17, Issue 12, 1997 – "A Look at Siggraph '97" by JoAnn Gillerman
Future Sex, Issue Seven, FUTURE SEX; Nos. 1 - 7 [set] 1992-1994, Kundalini Publishing, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1994 ("EROS Interactive" Exhibit at Seybold/Moscone/SF)
Women of Vision Journal, Summer 1997 Season- feature article about JoAnn Gillerman by Celeste Connor
Videography, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 1980, Publisher: United Business Publications, Inc., subsidiary Media Horizons, New York, NY "San Francisco: Life among the Independents"
New Media Showcase 2, 1992: The Digital Source Book, Publisher American Showcase, Inc. New York, Publisher: Ira Shapiro Distribution: Watson-Guptill Publications, NY, NY
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Pacific Division, Volume 18, Part 1, June 1999, S.F, CA - "In the Shadow: Interactive Multimedia Works resulting from on-site Total Solar Eclipse Experiences. (Symposium/Speaker) The Art and Spirit of Science, S.F. State, CA
Visual Proceedings: The Art and INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS of SIGGRAPH 93, Publisher ACM SIGGRAPH, NY, Thomas E. Linehan, ACM
SIGGRAPH/Japan, Exhibition of Computer Graphics in collaboration with Siggraph83ArtExhibition, Japan (published/distribution ): Clone Baby Computer Graphics/JoAnn Gillerman
ArtsWire: "A Conversation with JoAnn Gillerman", Interactive Art Conference on ArtsWire, OnLine, Aug. 1996, Hosts Judy Malloy & Anna Couey, New York Foundation for the Arts, NYFA, Live/Published: The Well: https://people.well.com/user/couey/interactive/gillerman.html | Context Reference: https://people.well.com/user/couey/interactive/guests.html
Chimp Finder: Outdoors Interactive Exhibit: Live Interactive Animal Identification System and Observation Network at the St. Louis Zoo (2005-2008)
LIST of PRESS/Articles/NEWS/VIDEO/TV material is listed on Viper Vertex Website: https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_CF_press.htm
Shadow Dance Interactive Multi-user, Mulit-media, Multi-lingual Floor Pad controlled Eclipse Exhibit at Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA (2001-2009)
LIST of PRESS/ARTICLES/VIDEO/TV: https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_ecl_press.htm
Innovation Forum: Interactive Exhibit at The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA (1998-2010)
LIST of PRESS/ARTICLES/NEWS/VIDEO: https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_inno_press.htm

Boarding Pass to Mars, July 2020 for Tritonia Feldspar/Jo Gillerman
References | Links | Venues | Published | Distribution
Video, Digital Video Shorts, VideoMusic, Documentary, Immersive/Virtual Reality/360, Computer Graphics, Experimental, Live Performance works on video
Short Video Works include: Volcanic Eclipse, Orchid, Electric Dream, Clone Baby, Lady E, Five Responses to the Political Climate Nov 1980, Pentagon I & II, Whispers in a Plane of Light Video/Performance, Homage to the Exploration of Venus, Night Feeder Interactive (interactive CD-ROM), Intijiwana (interactive CD-ROM), Fiber Form, Moiré, Untitled, Punk Tape, KILAUEA: Pele's Domain (30 min), Totality (VR/360/Video), You (Live Performance), Yorica, Viper Video (collection/Viper Optics Music Video), Organia Installation, Computer Graphics A, Do You Mind This Time? (Performance), Fafnir, Late Evening Skyline, Excerpts,
KILAUEA: Pele's Domain – United Arab Emirates, Sharjah Film Platform (2019)
Feature Film/Video - Night Feeder: Co-Producer, Art Director, Editor - 95 min. (Distribution)
2015-2019 Distribution Mondo/Bleeding Skull: Amazon, DVD/VHS/VOD, 2019-current Distribution, SRS Films/NY/NY
Theatrical Screenings: Los Angeles/San Francisco, CA, Chattanooga, Austin, TX
OPENING MONTAGE for ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE Documentary video: "FOREVER ACTIVISTS" -played at Academy Awards, Los Angeles, CA
Roxy Theater, San Francisco, CA • United Artist Theater, Berkeley, CA • The Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA • Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CA • The Kitchen, New York, NY • Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN • Pacific Film Archive, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA • Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA • Chicago Museum of Modern Art, Chicago, IL • John Douglas Cline Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ • St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO • Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA (Live Performance), Eclipse Mill Gallery/MA
INTERNATIONAL: India, Bolivia, Japan, Denmark, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, Muldova, Argentina
VRbits by Hot Lava - NFT
Ethereum-Based Crypto Artwork
Virtual Reality Vignettes and Imagery
Published on OpenSea NFT Marketplace (links below)
NFT Collections created by JoAnn Gillerman
(AKA: VRbits by Hot Lava)
© 2021-current

VRbits 07
VRbits 11
Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, MO
Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA
The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA
Smithsonian Experimental Gallery, Washington DC
Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, SF, CA
The Kitchen, New York, NY
Electronics Arts Intermix, New York, NY
Video Free America, CA
The Whitney Museum, Traveling Exhibitions, NY
Amayakan (laserdiscs) US/Japan
Interactiva, Germany
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Emily Carr College of Art, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Metro Television, Sydney, Australia
The Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
Paramount Home Video, Los Angeles, CA
Siggraph Video Reviews
Joan Shapiro, Ouray, CO (private)
Sherry and Bruce Rubin, Downingtown, PA (private)
Paul Pot (Private)