Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman
Artist working at the intersection of Art, Science, Culture and Emerging Technologies
My artworks use all original material that I create, record, capture on location, photograph, draw, animate.
(except for occasional credited NASA images/sounds shot from Space, I do not appropriate imagery or video)
LIST: Video/Media Works
Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman
LIST: Books/Publications
Social Practice, Outreach
Published Writings by JoAnn Gillerman

Shadow Dance Interactive Floor Sensor controlled Eclipse Exhibit
installed at CSSC, 2001-2008

Gillerman in helicopter (doors off) captures massive lava flows of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, June 6, 2018

Jo Ann Gillerman in Studio 2000

Custom Floor Sensors control interactivity in
Shadow Dance Interactive Eclipse Exhibit

Visitors in Shadow Dance Interactive Eclipse Exhibit (installed/Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland, CA) 2001

Jo Ann Gillerman during install of Chimp Finder, an outdoors Interacive Exhibit on Chimpanzee Politics and Conservation of Chimpanzees in the Wild.
(chimp: Jimiyu)
OVERVIEW: Gillerman's summary of the '2000's
Former decades of explorations and experimentation of interactive immersive environments, creative user-friendly interfaces often triggered by multiple sensors to get interactions in real-time and real-space led to concept, design, research, creation, development and production of large-scale installations and exhibits for public museums, science centers, cultural centers and other public venues. The common ground conceptually for all these site-specific exhibits is the intersection of art, science, culture and technology - often incorporating innovative new digital media technologies and pushing boundaries, while fostering (non-competitive) collaboration and cooperation among users.
Viper Optics transformed into Viper Vertex (working in collaboration with Rob Terry) to create these public interactive multimedia works, installations and exhibits for museums and science centers. (Conceived as semi-permanent, these site-specific exhibits were designed for public access, durability - thus installed for many years.) These involved (and evolved!) projects often took years from concept through production and installation. It's important to note that all imagery, graphics, animation, digital media/video (including location field recordings and interviews) and interface design are original that I created – working in collaboration with high-end engineers who could design custom software as needed. These exhibits are interdisciplinary, multi-channel, multimedia, multi-lingual, multi-user and persons with disability accessible.
I continued to capture/record/present/exhibit Material of Active Lava Flows from Kilauea in Hawaii, and Total Solar Eclipses around the world. I globally presented lectures and exhibited digital media works "From Lava to Chimps: Integrating Art and Science" - and continued teaching interdisciplinary and Media Arts Classes integrating art, science, culture and technology.
Interdisciplinary Interactive Multimedia Exhibits and Installations for Museums and Science Centers
(Reference Materials below)
Innovation Forum: Interactive Exhibit at The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA
— Innovation Forum was installed in the Innovation Gallery, The Tech Museum of Innovation 1998-2010)
— Innovation Forum Interactive Exhibit © 1998 Viper Vertex: Jo Ann Gillerman | Rob Terry
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_inno_description.htm (description/concept/content/photos)
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_inno_press.htm (PRESS - complete list of Video and Print)
• Selected Press below (Reference Materials 2000s)
Shadow Dance - Interactive Multimedia Eclipse Exhibit - Floor-Pad controlled, Mulit-Channel, Multi-user, Multi-lingual
—Shadow Dance was Installed at Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA - 2001-2009)
— Shadow Dance Interactive Eclipse Exhibit © 2001 Viper Vertex: Jo Ann Gillerman | Rob Terry
• https://www.joanngillerman.com/JAG_Exhibits_SD_main.html (description and photos)
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_ecl_description.htm (description/concept/content/photos)
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_ecl_press.htm (PRESS - complete list of Video and Print)
• YLEM (Artists Using Science and Technology), Trudy Myrrh Regan, founder YLEM
• Selected Press below (Reference Materials 2000s)
Chimp Finder: (A Liaison System) - An outdoors Interactive Exhibit with Live Chimpanzees on Chimp Conservation in the wild
— Chimp Finder (prototype) was installed in the Fragile Forest Exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Missouri (2005-2008)
— Chimp Finder Interactive Exhibit - © 2005-2006 Viper Vertex: Jo Ann Gillerman | Rob Terry
— Chimp Finder is A Liaison™ System: Live Interactive Animal Identification System and Observation Network™)
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_CF_description.htm (description/concept/content/photos)
• https://www.vipervertex.com/Exhibits/exhibit_CF_pressh (PRESS - complete list of Video and Print)
• Selected Press below (Reference Materials 2000s)
Biographies, Press, Writings ABOUT Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman, Viper Vertex, Interactive Exhibits
Click on Photo or article name (below) to see more details, complete article and/or relevant excerpts
Reference Materials Below (2000's)
Shadow Dance Interactive Eclipse Exhibit © 2001
Artweek, February 2002, Volume 33, Number 1

" The collaborative work, designed and produced by local artists JoAnn Gillerman and Rob Terry, is a state-of-the-art installation that morphs art and science. ..."
There is no mouse or keyboard. You and your homies directly interact via a multi-channel, twelve monitor computer program by walking, dancing or rolling your wheelchair around on three floor sensors. The sensors, attractively embellished by back lit images of sun, moon, earth, enliven the installation stage. Your personal choreography re-creates eclipses (solar and lunar) on the monitors, simultaneously evoking individual mixes of aural and visual imagery. Anyone with a sense of play will be delighted by this ode of acquiring knowledge. This is "community-based art at its best."
A banquet for the senses is served up; the combination of delectables is your pick. And it can change during each visit.

San Francisco Focus: Aug 1997 issue, Featured Artist Profile/pictures
Tales of the Cities: Edited by Leslie Crawford
Ray Fans by Susan Fry
" It's 3:36 PM in the abandoned city of Fatehpur Sikri, India. Rob Terry and JoAnn Gillerman wait breathlessly in the courtyard of a rose-colored mosque, their cameras pointed toward the sky.
Some might argue that however sublime the vision, once you've seen one solar eclipse, you've seen them all. Gillerman says these naysayers are missing out on each eclipse's startling and unique beauty. "Every one is different. In Hawaii, the corona was bluish white. In India, it was the color of steel, with radiating streamers of light."
And, however briefly, eclipses transform the world. "Everything turns golden, winds pick up, it can rain wiithout warning, stars appear in the middle of the day"
While Gillerman was the first addict, she says, Terry was an easy convert. Together ... their company, Viper Vertex, produces multimedia exhibits and CR-ROMs so others can see, or rather not see, the light.
This was a "staged" in-studio photo. When in the field capturing an eclipse with our custom camera recording equipment, it is safe and more practical to watch partial phases on our video display screens - and through telescope grade solar filters. Solar Eclipse Viewing safety IS important. Never look directly at the sun, EXCEPT during totality.

KNTV News Channel 11
TV-VIDEO, June 21, 2001
Viper Vertex's New Interactive Eclipse Exhibit opens at Chabot Space and Science Center on day of total solar eclipse in Africa.
(Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, California)

"Shadow Dance gets the interaction off the mouse and keyboard and open it up to free movement and free space"

Tech Talk: KNTV Channel 11
TV-VIDEO, July 5, 2001
JoAnn Gillerman talks about new technologies used in Viper Vertex's Interactive Eclipse Exhibit, "Shadow Dance", at Chabot Space and Science Center for "Tech Talk" on KNTV News Channel 11 and KBWB Channel 20.

Science Center visitors play in "Shadow Dance", an interactive Eclipse Exhibit created by Viper Vertex for Chabot Space and Science Center, videotaped by "Tech Talk" on KNTV News Channel 11, and
KBWB Channel 20.

The Oakland Tribune
2001 ANG Newspapers
126th Year, No.117
Wednesday June 20, 2001
At the same time as the eclipse coverage, Chabot also will unveil its new "solar eclipse" exhibit, using two powerful silicon graphics computer work stations, donated by the Mountain View-based company. The Exhibit was created by Viper Vertex, and Oakland-based media arts company.
Participants step on back-lit transparencies on the floor, showing the earth, moon and sun. Sensors in the transparencies control images and sounds on two rows of six lat panel screen monitors.

SGI WEBSITE (click for Complete article)
June 20, 2001
SGI acknowledges Viper Vertex's original new interactive multimedia exhibit permanently installed at Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland Ca. The exhibit is powered by twelve SGI flat panel displays, and two SGI computers.
Chabot Spaace & Science Center Debuts Eclipse Exhibit Powered by SGI Technologies
Interactive, Multimedia Exhibit Opens on Eve of June 21 Solar Eclipse
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (June 20, 2001) — As the southern hemisphere prepares to witness a dramatic solar eclipse on June 21, the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, Calif., has debuted an interactive eclipse-related exhibit powered by SGI™ (NYSE:SGI) technologies.
"Solar eclipses provide wonderful teaching moments to increase science and astronomy literacy," said Afshad Mistri, head of SGI's scientific education and arts market. "The new, multimedia Chabot exhibit does just that in an exciting highly visual way."
All artwork and imagery are original. The exhibit's solar and lunar eclipse images were shot on location over the past 10 years by producers Gillerman and Terry of Viper Vertex, which also developed the exhibits' custom-designed software. Gillerman and Terry have traveled to remote sites around the worked to photograph and videotape total solar eclipses while researching local folklore and collection memorabilia. Solar eclipse images seen in the exhibit include Turkey 1999, Venezuela 1998, India 1995, Bolivia 1994, Hawaii 1991 and Washington 1979, along with several lunar eclipses.
Trudy Myrrh Regan, founder, YLEM
on Interactive Eclipse Exhibit at Chabot Space and Science Center

Artists Using Science and Technology
Dear JoAnn,
On behalf of YLEM, let me thank you for your fascinating presentation at the YLEM Forum at the Exploratorium on July 17. Your installation at Chabot Center in a tour de force, successfully combining so many elements beyond what most of us would have even thought about! Your personal experiences wiith eclipses and volcanoes are wonderful. I can see why the moment of totality is a holy experience. The maps of the solar/lunar system and where eclipses occur interested me. The myths about eclipses are extravagantly ingenious. I love the Indian god with the severed head swallowing the sun! And the interface truly engages people. Truly a rich gift to people visiting the museum.
It was a wonderful example of our theme. "Capturing Change", and you are an awfully good speaker. It was a privilege to have you again.
Trudy Myrhh Regan,
founder, YLEM
Innovation Forum at The Tech Museum of Innovation © 1998
Innovation Forum Exhibit
San Jose Mercury News
Sunday, October 11, 1998

At a station nearby, visior can sit in front of a lrage computer monitor to view a series of talks bu a pediatrician, a deap sea explorer and astrophysicisit Stephen Hawking, among others. One expert is Carl Anthony, an urban planner, who takes on the notion of patenting new forms: "As an African American," he says, the very thought of it makes him "uncomfortable."

Caption: Exhibit researcher Anita Llewellyn, left, and Emily Routman, vice president of exhibits, give a demonstartion of an "Innovation Forum," where visitors record their views about technology and ethics.
Viewers can record their own responses to Anthony, or any of the other experts, for subsequent viewing by later visitors. In this way, planners hope, a community-wide dialogue will emerge and perhaps a generation of moral thinkers will be born: Every kid who walks out of there should be able to make some choices right now about the way they're going to use technology," said Tom Shanks, the Markkula Center's executive director. ... (Tom Shanks, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara U., CA, is one of the interviewed experts in the Innovation Forum Exhibit)

The Innovation Forum is a multimedia mini-theater with two interactive stations where visitors can view video clips of poople expressing opinions about techonoly. At one of the stations, visitors can leave their own comments on technology and innovation.

Chimp Finder at the St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Missouri
a LIAISON system: Live Interactive Animal Identification System and Observation Network™
KETC - Channel 9, Living St. Louis, host: Jim Kirchherr
30 minute PBS Program - Television/Video

Living St. Louis, with host Jim Kirchherr, is an Emmy award winning show, host and producer.
JoAnn Gillerman of Viper Vertex Interactive was interviewed talking about the Chimp Finder, a new innovative, outdoor, interactive exhibit with live chimpanzee recognition that was installed at the openng of the Fragile Forest Exhibit in the St. Louis Zoo, Missouri. This prototype exhibit was the first of its kind and a LIAISON connecting people with chimps, designed to bring awareness of chimpanzee conservation in the wild. The Chimp Finder Exhibit was installed for 4 years at the St. Louis Zoo. (Chimp FInder is a LIASION system: Live Interactive Animal Identification System and Observation Network - developed by Viper Vertex.)
KSDK - Channel 5 News, Show Me St. Louis Segment
Aired: May 2005, St. Louis, Missouri - TV/Video
KSDK/AP/Show Me St. Louis
NewsChannel 5 - Where News Comes First

St. Louis Zoo Unveils New Chimp Refuge "Fragile Forest"
Created 5/12/2005, Updated: 5/13/2005
By Jim Schugel
Show Me St. Louis
Saint Louis Zoo has a new exhibiit.
There are 15-foot waterfalls, luschious trees, and vines. It sounds more like a tropical island, but it's actually the new home for several chimpanzees aand oranguatans.
It's the first time many of these animals have ever been outside. The zoo used to keep them in an exhibit inside.
It took the Zoo 3 years to plan and aactually build the Fragile Forest. It's as natural aasa possilbe fo rhte animals.
Well, if your talking about dreams, we've dreaamt about it for a long time, "says Ingrid Porton. She's the curator of mammals and primates at Saint Louis Zoo.
There's even a so-called Chimp Finder. It's got a camera to help you locate a chimp, and it's the first one at aany zoo in the country.
The Fragile Forest gives visitors the chance to see primates in a more naturaal lenvirnments that's designed to encourage the animals to show off their skills at plaaying and foraging for food.
Ingrid Porton shows off the new outdoor interactive Chimp Finder Exhibit at the Saint Louis Zoo.
West End World, St. Louis City, St. Louis, MO
May 18-24, 2005, Sunday Weekly
Chimpfinder makes international debut in Fragile Forest
by Tim Woodcock

Chimpfinder makes international debut in Fragile Forest
by Tim Woodcock
St. Louis is the only zoo in the world to have an automated "Chimpfinder," and educational device that helps visitors to the zoo identify particular animals and then find out the animals' stories and relationships.
The inerface is essentially a mounted video camera and a touch screen display that, once the machine locks onto a particular chimp and identifies it, offers menus to help viistors find out the animal's backstory.

Saint Louis ZOO News
April 8, 2005
A revolutionary technological achievement, a "Chimp Finder" will be used for the first time as a hands-on educational device to identify individuals in the chimpanzee family. With a custom-designed scope, a visitor can focus on a particular chimpanzee. The "Chimp Finder" will immediately identify that individual and display its biography on the scope and on a large monitor nearby. The visitor can then access further information about the individual using the scopes touch screen technology. The "Chimp Finder" was developed by Viper Vertex, a California-based company founded to design and produce science and art exhibits.
Chimp Finder in the Fragile Forest Exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo appeared in varied News Papers and media when it opened in 2005

WEIRD OTHER - 2000's
details below in Reference Materials
"YLEM as I Saw It in the 1990's"
(movie - 22 min.)
directed/produced by Beverly Keiber, 2023
"A group of pioneer Artists using Science and Technology in the 1990s as remembered by Beverly Kleiber aka Reiser."
Jody Gillerman section: 7:50m- 9:50m (2 min total)
Lava video and Shadow Dance Exhibit

"YLEM was a grass-roots group of artists enamored of the possibility of blurring the boundary between the viewer and the art object using newly emerging interactive media. The viewer becomes participant was the mantra of the time." Beverly Kleiber (Beverly Kleiber was president of YLEM / Artists Using Science and Technology for 14 years beginning in 1985.)
"YLEM as I Saw It in the 1990's" (movie)
includes the following artists:
Roman Verostko, Ken Rinaldo, Jody Gillerman, Jim Pallas, Lucia Grossberger Morales, Beverly Kleiber aka Reiser, Frank Pietronigro, and Roger Malina.
(still images from the movie are below)

Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman

2017 Fulldome Total Solar Eclipse Project -
360/Virtual Reality Video and Film/Transparencies, "Stewards of the Planet" Series,
Exhibited: "Four Elements" Three Artists Exhibition, San Pablo Art Gallery, CA

to bring experiential integrated Art, Science, culture and Technology to the public and marginalized communities. 2019
KILAUEA Pele's Domain - video (28 min.) - Mirage Cinema, Sharjah Film Arts Platform, United Arab Emirates 2019 - Gillerman © 2018-2019
VIDEO (25 minutes)
OVERVIEW: Gillerman's summary of the '2010's
International/Presentations, Research, Exploring Immersive Environments and New technologies for Full Dome, 360 Video and Virtual Reality (2017 Total Solar Eclipse Project - provides Virtual Reality Video material for later works)
'Four Elements" Three-Artist Exhibition (2019) (Digital Drawings, Composite Digital Prints, Collage, Film/Transparency Light Panels, 360 Video, Virtual Reality)
Circadian Rhythm series (Biluminescent Dinoflagellates/algae that I grow in my studio), - VR spherical images from video
Izmir International Art Biennial (2013), Tükiye - ("Egg.Birth.Flow. Video/Installation)
Solo show, "Libya Series", (2010), Fingado Gallery, El Cerrito, CA,
KILAUEA Pele's Domain: three decade of Kilauea - Video (28 min. experimental "documentary") screened in Mirage Cinema, United Arab Emirates/UAE, 2019 (a culmination of decades of video at Kilauea Active Lava Flows -including 2018 eruptions)
FOUNDED ART-POD (non-profit/501c3) bringing experiential and virtual, integrated Art/Science/Culture/Technology to a multi-generational public, including marginalized communities.
• PARC/Palo Alto Research Center/PARC Forum, hosted by Linda Jacobson (2009)
• Piramid Sanat, prominent Art Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey (Tükiye) - 2010
• TAUA - Turkish American University Association, Istanbul, Turkey (Tükiye)-2010
• Equilibrium, The Balance of Art, Science and Music: San Francisco, CA 2010 ("Jungle Love"/Chimp Politics)
Izmir International Art Biennial (2013), Tükiye - "Egg.Birth.Flow." (video/installation)
Solo show, "Libya Series", (2010), Fingado Gallery, El Cerrito, CA, (digital prints, collage, "Desert Eclipse" Video (recorded on location, Sahara Desert, Libya, 2006 Total Solar Eclipse.)
Three-Artist show (2019), San Pablo Art Gallery, San Pablo, CA – "Four Elements" (included 2D, 3D and 4D/Video/VR works)
Exhibition, NASA/SETI - International Space Arts (and Workshop/Symposium Presentation) (2013)
I've captured/recorded each total solar eclipse 11 to date) with unique custom systems and configurations to achieve surround/immersive environments. With the advent of affordable light-weight Virtual Reality/VR and spherical video just starting to be accessible to individual artists, I jumped head-first into this (relatively new!) arena. (I had explored/visited/used VR systems in the '80's: head-mounted displays of Scott Fisher at NASA/Ames/CA, Jaron Lanier's VPL/CA, and others). But now, it was (finally!) possible to create VR works on systems more accessible to me as an individual artist (recording), and for the public (viewing VR). As part of this continuing research, I attended the International Symposium of Wearable Computers/ ISWC in Germany in 2016. I wrote an article "Some Thoughts on Wearable Computers" (published on-line and translated into German, Voices of the Street, Berlin). Using new tools, I started experimenting with (and teaching) Immersive media, 360 and Virtual Reality Video for full dome planetarium-style presentation and VR platforms.
2017 Full-Dome Total Solar Eclipse Project- captured in 360/Virtual Reality/Video (exhibited and experienced in varied forms/formats/media/mediums:
I captured the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Idaho on multiple systems - on a mountain top with a full 360 panoramic view using custom mounts that I created specifically for capturing 360/Virtual Reality Video of this eclipse. This 360/VR Video led to a series of immersive works in varied media - Video, Virtual Reality, NFT, Digital Prints, Light Panels, Collage, Installation)
"Totality" (Illumination) - Video and VR (Semi-finalist, Film Festival, Moldova, 2023, - Brill Eclipse Mills/Gallery/MASS- April 8, 2024)
"Explore" Virtual Reality
"Stewards of the Planet" Series: NFT "VRbits by Hot Lava": Short Virtual Reality Vignettes (Open Sea/2020)
Exhibited Art works (2D/3D/4D) - Digital Prints, Film/Transparency, composite images, Light Panels
"KILAUEA: Pele's Domain: three decades of Kilauea Volcano" © 2018-2019, screened in the Sharjah Film Platform (Festival), Sharjah Art Foundation, Mirage Cinema, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2019 – (I attended on invitation)
This video, a 28 min. experimental multi-layered, multi-image (documentary?), is a culmination of decades of KILAUEA - including the (then) most recent New Volcanic Activity, Massive Lava Flows on Populated Areas, Fissure 8/lava fountains, captured on Video/VR/360 from Helicopter (with doors off for better filming) 3000' above massive flows, and at an Evacuation Center.
ART-POD, nonprofit (https://www.art-pod.org) - outreach/social practice
In 2019, I founded Art-Pod, a nonprofit/501c3. Art-Pod brings innovative, experiential and virtual explorations of integrated art, science, culture and technology, for positive impact and experimental ART/STEM/STEAM experiences and education to a multigenerational public, including underserved disadvantaged communities, youth and girls. Started right before the pandemic was declared, our first hands-on workshop projects were virtual, before moving to hybrid and in-person. Art-Pod collaborated with the K-5 Astronomy Studies Group, and an astronomer/K-5 educator to create "Our Location in the Universe" projects that integrate Astronomy, Art-making and Virtual Reality. We gave a (free) Virtual Reality Headset to each student on completion of the workshops. More details on website: https://www.art-pod.org/
Note from Art-Pod Director, Jo Ann Gillerman
Art-Pod nonprofit was formed in late 2019 shortly before the Pandemic of 2020 was declared. Our original mission was to bring immersive art, science, culture and technology experiences and ART/STEM/STEAM workshops and education to a multi-generational and diverse public through innovative and experiential events nationally and internationally. In March 2020, the Pandemic created varying degrees of international isolation and lockdowns. With the current and ongoing pandemic, education, arts and technology are a changed and changing landscape – requiring knowledge, tools and new forms of communication. This new evolving arena fueled an immediate focus and continued commitment for Art-Pod to help in areas and communities where we can make positive impact.
SIGNIFICANT WORKS and Other (2010's)
Video, Immersive, Virtual Reality
(Reference Materials below)
KILAUEA: Pele's Domain - 3 Decades of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii - VIDEO © 2019 (28 min.) (Experimental multi-layered, multi-image "Documentary")
Screened: Mirage Cinema, Sharjah Art Foundation Film Platform (festival), United Arab Emirates, 2019
Egg. Birth. Flow. © 2011 (video/Installation)
Izmir international Art Biennial Exhibition, Izmir, Turkey/Türkiya, 2013
Circadian Rhythm series - (2D) - Digital Drawing, Composited Digital Prints, Film/Transparencies, Light Panel
Exhibited: "Four Elements" - Three Artists Exhibition, San Pablo Art Gallery, San Pablo, CA 2019
FOUNDED ART-POD, a nonproft 501(c)3 - 2019-current
ART-POD - nonprofit/501c3 - brings integrated innovative, experiential and virtual explorations of art, science, culture and technology, for positive impact and experimental ART/STEM/STEAM experiences and education to a multigenerational public, including underserved disadvantaged communities, youth and girls.
Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah Film Platform, Mirage Cinema, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2019
KILAUEA Pele's Domain (28 min. Video)
Egg. Birth. Flow. (Video/Installation)
"Four Elements" Three Artists, San Pablo Art Gallery, San Pablo, CA - 2019
Circadian Rhythm Series, Lava 2018, Eclipse, India/Kumbh Mela/2019 (Digital Drawings, Digital Prints, Film/Transparencies, Light Panels, Video/360/Virtual Reality
International Space Arts Workshop/ISAW Art Exhibition, NASA/SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA (2013)
From Lava to Chimps: Integrating Art and Science, Piramid Art Center, Turkey/Tükiye, 2010
Reference Materials Below (2010's)
KILAUEA: Pele's Domain
3 decades of Kilauea
Video/Film, 360/Virtual Reality
JoAnn Gillerman © 2019 - 2024

American director JoAnn Gillerman's 'Kilauea: Pele’s Domain'.
Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Jan 2019
Mirage City Cinema, Saturday January 20 (9pm)
Al Hamra Cinema, Wednesday January 23 (6pm)

The National
Sharjah Film Platform 2019: The screenings and workshops to see and do
There will be more than 140 screenings. Here are the ones you won't want to miss
Jan 17, 2019
The first Sharjah Film Platform (SFP) gets underway tomorrow (Friday January 18). And with more than 140 screenings, as well as an extensive programme of talks and workshops, taking place in four stunning venues across the emirate, it promises to be a joyous few days for cinephiles.
SFP, which runs from January 18-26, features films from more than 40 countries in some 30 languages. Some will make you laugh, others will have you in tears. But each of them should persuade you to look at the world in a slightly different way.
Even the most dedicated film buffs among you won’t be able to get to everything. The best advice we can offer is to step outside of your comfort zone and go to screenings you would ordinarily ignore. It is no exaggeration to say that even the shortest film can be life-changing.
So, with that in mind, here are some of the screenings and events that are, surely, unmissable.

"Kilauea is the most active volcano on Hawaii and Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of fire. This film by American director JoAnn Gillerman has been shot over three decades, as the volcano has erupted time and again. At its heart, though, this is a human story — as awe-inspiring as Kilauea is, its near constant belching of lava has claimed many people’s homes. It's a beautiful film that explores our relationship with nature, told largely through the eyes of a Hawaiian woman at an evacuation centre. No one knows what Kilauea will do next." --- Rupert Hawksley
IZMIR International Art Biennial 2013
Seba Art Gallery
Izmir, Türkiye

click here

Exhibition: San Pablo Art gallery, San Pablo, CA 2019

Circadian Rhythm Series: Gillerman © 2014-2017. Digital DRAWING (not photograph) and composite imagery of Bioluminescent Dynoflagelles (algae) grown in my studio for years. They are tiny dots that bioluminesce. The drawing is based on their cellular structure magnified. This series of digital images (and others below) were exhibited in "Four Elements: Three-Artists", San Pablo Art Gallery, CA 2019.

"Five Elements" Composite Digital Print, Kilauea Series, 26" x17" Gillerman © 2018

"Stewards of the Planet" Series: Film/Transparency Virtual Reality (360/VR Video) Image of 360 degree horizon, Idaho, during the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. Composited with VR/Video image of a Marine Reserve in California. 12"x12" - Gillerman © 2019

at Piramid Art Center
Istanbul, Turkey
Jody Gillerman is a California based new media artist and professor at California College of the Arts (CCAC). Her works integrate Art, science, Culture and technology. She designs and produces interactive multimedia installations and exhibits for museums, science centers, and other public venues. Her works have been shown, exhibited, broadcast, screened and installed nationally land internationally. Personal passion has led her around teh world videotaping and documenting total solar eclipses and active lava flows for decades. (Total Solar Eclipses include: Hawaii '91, Bolivia '94, India '95, Venezuela '98, Turkey '99, Costa Rica '01, Libya '06, Siberia '08 and Volcano Kilauea in Hawaii)
Her presentation will include video and images of natural phenomena including exotic active volcanic lava flows - up close and personal, a total solar eclipse in Amasya, Turkey (1999) and Live Chimpanzees! She will also talk about interactive multimedia exhibits and works inspired by these natural phenomena.
— Bedri Baycam, Piramid Sanat
PARC Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, CA

Jody, thank you so much for an inspiring and delightful forum presentation! The thought and time you invested in making it rock are much appreciated. I hope we have more opportunities to collaborate.
Your Friend, Linda Jacobson
From lava to chimps: integrating art & science - PARC
https://www.parc.com › parc-forum › from-lava-to-chi...
JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman is a California-based media artist, videographer and educator producing interactive multimedia exhibits, installations, Web sites, ...
JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman is a California-based media artist, videographer and educator producing interactive multimedia exhibits, installations, Web sites, and video. Ms. Gillerman is professor of fine arts at California College of the Arts. She combines a highly developed fine arts aesthetic with a thorough practical knowledge of video and computers. She currently is producing video and multimedia works on total solar eclipses and active volcanic lava flows that she chases and records on location around the world.
Ms. Gillerman’s permanent interactive installation and exhibits include "Shadow Dance: an Interactive Eclipse Exhibit" at Chabot Space and Science Center, and the "Innovation Forum" Exhibit at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. Her works have been shown internationally in museums, galleries, universities, festivals, television broadcasts, online and public venues.
Ms. Gillerman received her MFA at the Art Institute of Chicago and her BA at Duke University. More about JoAnn Gillerman and Viper Vertex at www.vipervertex.com.
Date Thursday April 30th 2009
Time 4:00-5:00pm
Venue George E. Pake Auditorium, PARC
WEIRD OTHER - 2010's
details below in Reference Materials
Lecture/Presentations and Works shown
"From Lava to Chimps: Integrating Art and Science"
Pyramid Sanat Art Gallery, Istanbul, Türkiye 2010
"Jungle Love" (chimp group dynamics and "Chimp Love")
Equilibrium, The Balance of Art, Science and Music: San Francisco, CA 2010
ISAW Art Exhibition, NASA/SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA
International Space Arts Workshop/ISAW Symposium Presentation (2013)
Published (online Berlin Publication) Article
by JoAnn Gillerman
Gillerman wearing VR in "VR Director’s Chair", an exhibiit at ISWC 2016
Some thoughts about Wearable Computers,
ISWC, 2016 - Heidelberg, Germany
by Jo Ann Gillerman
(Published in German Online/Berlin by Klaus Link for Music/Sound publication "Voices of the Streets"

Complete text: (English and German)
Article published 2017
translated into German for Berlin on-line Publication: “Voices of the Street” (www.voicesofthestreet.net)
International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
Jo Ann (Jody) Gillerman

TOTALITY 2023 © Gillerman (video/VR), Ralph Brill Eclipse Mill Gallery, Albany, NY region during Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 — Illumination 2022 © Gillerman (Video/VR - earlier version of TOTALITY) - Semi-Finalist, Serbfest Film Festival, Moldova, 2023
INTERACTIVE EXPLORE Virtual Reality (touch Sculpture)

NFT by "VRbits by Hot Lava" Virtual Reality Vignettes (on Open Sea) 2021

"Our Location in the Universe" Project- a collaboration of Art-Pod and K-5 Astronomy Studies Group. Students receive their Virtual Reality Headsets (to keep) during Field Trip to the Solar Calendars, Cesar Chavez Park, Berkeley, CA (June 2021)
OVERVIEW: Gillerman's summary of the '2020's
Assimilating, Amalgamation, fusions and merging
Exploring Immersive Media, Virtual Reality (Cinematic, non-narrative VR)
Trying to make immersions friendly, interactive, aesthetic, accessible and encompassing
Art-Pod - OUTREACH - inclusive, multi-generational Public, under-served, disadvantaged and marginalized communities
NFT as a "digital" medium unto itself ... for art that "lives" exclusively in digital form
I've created a series of immersive works, 360 video, Virtual Reality, NFT - immersions that audience is "inside of", surrounded by. These digital works can be "delivered" virtually (as was necessary during the pandemic)
NFT, for an artist whose works are often in undefined categories, media and mediums, provides another medium to explore (not for the crypto currency aspects - though that is also interesting for different political/social reasons). NFT is a "newish" purely digital format/form, another presentation mode for works that "live" in a digital format- and have few other "pure" exhibition/public outlets.) As "VRbits by Hot Lava", I (self-taught!) created/minted NFT/Virtual Reality "Vignettes" using original material that I have captured over decades: Lava Flows, Total Solar Eclipses, Bioluminescent Algae, marine life and more.
Current works explore ways of viewing 360/Video/Virtual Reality without a cumbersome headset or being "plugged in" to a computer. Several of these Mini Metal/Steel sculptures in the "Skylight Reverie" series, (exhibited 2023, SoHi Gallery, Splady Art Studios, Oakland, CA, and Dome Center for Art, Music and Dance) are hybrids - bringing together Sculpture, Interactivity, Video, and Virtual Reality.
TOTALITY (VIDEO/VR/NFT) - 11 minute video (© 2023) is a culmination of decades of Total Solar Eclipses around the world - recorded in varied media/video/360. Much like KILAUEA: Pele's Domain (2018), TOTALITY is an experimental, multi-layered, multi-imaged, abstracted "documentary", as eclipse art, science, culture, and technology merge. (An earlier version of Totality is Illumination, semi-finalist in Serbfest, Modova)
ART-POD (nonprofit) - "Our Location in the Universe" Collaborative Projects (2021-2022) brought experiential workshops of Art, Astronomy and Virtual Reality to K-5 Astronomy Studies Group ... https://www.art-pod.org/copy-of-artpod-2021-project-1-locat
Weird Other:
Tritonia Feldspar's NASA boarding pass to Mars 2020! (Arrived on Mars, Feb 18, 2021)
SIGNIFICANT WORKS and Other (2020's)
Video, Immersive, Virtual Reality
(Reference Materials below)
TOTALITY © Sept 2023 Jo Ann Gillerman (11 min) - Digital/Composites/Animation/360/VR Video
Eclipse Event inclusion/Eclipse Mill Gallery/MA (on 2024-April 8, during Total Solar Eclipse)
EXPLORE: NFT © 2023-24 Jo Ann Gillerman - Virtual Reality/360 video - viewed in VR Headset or on computer with VR Player
The DOME Studios Center for Art, Music and Dance (2023)
Illumination © 2022 Jo Ann Gillerman (9 min.) - - Digital Video/Animation/360/VR
Serbfest Film Festival/Semi-finalist, Moldova) - A more current version of this is TOTALITY
NFT created by "VRbits by Hot Lava" (2021) - a series of short Virtual Reality Vignettes (viewed in 360/VR)
Published on Open Sea
SKYLIGHT REVERIE series - Interactive Virtual Reality Sculptures (Metal/Steel, VIrtual Reality, EXPLORE Video)
Exhibited: SoHi Gallery, Splady Art Studios, Oakland, CA (Oct. 2023); DOME Center for Art, Music and Dance (Nov-Dec. 2023)
OUTREACH: (Social Practice)
ART-POD (nonprofit): Collaborative Project "Our Location in the Universe"
Experiential workshops of Astronomy, Art, Virtual Reality for underserved communities.
Reference Materials Below (2020's)
Writings about
Awards | Festivals | Gallery Screenings | Other
© 2023
Video (using VR/NFT imagery)

TOTALITY © 2023 (11 min.) - VIDEO (VR/NFT)
Ralph Brill Gallery: TOTALITY will be "Shared" in the Albany Region during the Total Solar Eclipse, April 8, 2024
"I will be sharing the Video of JoAnn Gillerman - one of the World's Top Eclipse Artists." Ralph Brill, Director, Ralph Brill Gallery Productions, Eclipse Mill Gallery, North Adams, MA (Independent Art Galleries of North Adams)
Illumination © 2022 (9 min) VIDEO (VR/NFT)
Semi-Finalist in the Serbfest Film Festival, Moldova (2023)
(This work is an earlier version of TOTALITY)

EXPLORE Virtual Reality in VR Headsets
© 2023-24
Virtual Reality/360 video/NFT
Viewed in 360/VR Headset, computer with VR Player,
Interactive Virtual Reality EXPLORE Sculpture
The DOME Studios Center for Art, Music and Dance
(Nov. -Dec. 2023)
SoHi Gallery, Splady Art Studios, Oakland, CA
(Oct. 2023)

Skylight Reverie Series: Metal/Steel Sculpture, Virtual Reality with EXPLORE VR/Video - interactive on touch
WEIRD OTHER - 2020's
details below in Reference Materials
Boarding Pass to Mars, July 2020 for Tritonia Feldspar/Jo Gillerman

Flight delayed, but arrived on Mars, Feb. 18, 2021 (NASA)
Tritonia Feldspar
VRbits by Hot Lava - NFT
Ethereum-Based Crypto Artwork
Virtual Reality Vignettes and Imagery
Published on OpenSea NFT Marketplace
NFT Collections created by JoAnn Gillerman
(AKA: VRbits by Hot Lava)
© 2021-current

An NFT Art collection of Immersive Image based Virtual Reality/VR “vignettes” under my crypto art pseudonym "VRbits by Hot Lava". These stand-alone images, when viewed in VR, reveal hidden elements (totality, kaleidoscopic spheres) not visible in the still digital image.

These are the same image, but when viewed in Virtual Reality/VR, you are surrounded by this image. If you look up, you will see the Total Solar Eclipse. If you look down you will see the bioluminescent dinoflagelattes (a digital drawing in the circadian rhythem series), forming a circle below.

Leonardo (2024) Vol 57 (issue 3): 353–356.
MIT Press
YLEM: Artists Using Science and Technology in the Wilderness of Art in the 1990s
Beverly Kleiber (Reiser)
It was a Time of Naïve Enthusiasm
The emerging technologies were still undefined. The horizon seemed limitless. Hopes for the World Wide Web were indeed more romantic than real. It was a time of first love; we could fill in between the fuzzy lines with whatever dreamscape we desired. Despite the dystopian scenarios spun by sci-fi authors like Phillip K. Dick, my fuzzy lines were generally dusted with heat lightning out of a prairie storm mixed with pixie dust [1].
Coming of age as an artist when the tools for interactive multimedia first became widely available, I became a pioneer of walk-in immersive environments, cobbling connections between computers, cameras, and sound devices. It was a time of rapidly expanding media, and a loose cohort of intrepid artists known as YLEM/Artists Using Science & Technology, founded in 1981 in San Francisco, possessed the temerity to attempt a new story [2]. Below I discuss a few of these artists whom I consider groundbreakers and game-changers in the wilderness of art and new technologies in the 1990s. To better understand these artists and the churning lava pool that stirred their imaginations, I asked them the following questions:
What do you think were the most significant inventions of the 1990s?
How did they enable your artwork? Or not?
Analog and Digital Intersecting in the Smoke
I always picture Jody Gillerman hanging out of a small plane over a lava flow or smoking volcano with her video camera dangling out the window (Fig. 4). Mind you, I never actually saw this, but the beauty and drama of her images plus the physical interaction of her installations made it seem so.
Jody followed eclipses, eruptions, and flows all over the globe to capture source material for her installations. One of these interactive installations, Shadow Dance, allowed visitors of all ages to interact with eclipses by using their feet on floor sensor controllers.
Fig. 4: Jody Gillerman, hanging out of the window of a helicopter,
captures video of a volcano for one of her projects.
Photo courtesy of Jody Gillerman. (© Jody Gillerman. Photo: Mick Kalber.)
Jody’s answer on how the significant inventions of the 1990s enabled her work:
“Video” goes digital! Video and Computers finally on symbiotic ground! Coming from a Fine Arts background in painting, drawing and printmaking, I love analog—specifically analog patch-programmable video processing/synthesis. Having personally built a video synthesizer, that established my entry into what seemed to be a unique video and computer graphics screen-based arena. However, surprisingly to me, prior to the ’90s, video/analog and computers/digital were two different worlds, very far apart, not easily merged.
“Digital Video” opened new doors. Interdisciplinary integrations were not easily possible prior to this. Coupled with new digital arts creation and distribution media (CDROM/DVD) and a newly forming internet with search engines, media arts integration and accessibility provided new digital landscapes, expanded avenues for creation, reach, distribution and accessibility. The intersection of analog and digital technologies provided exploration and new directions for my creating interdisciplinary interactive arts, interactive storytelling, and personally pressed media-based interactive CD-ROM/DVDs.