Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Archive Reference

Mill Valley Film Festival, Sequoia Theatre, Masonic Hall
Three Artists, Three Visions
One of the most important new art forms of this century, video art continues to transcend the boundaries often imposed by formalized television and to push the medium to its limits. The richness of its diversity as an artist's medium is explored in this tribute to three internationally known acclaimed video artists. JO ANN GILLLERMAN: The distinctive style of Jo Ann Gillerman is a fusion of sophisticated video effects - analog video synthesis, image processing and computer graphics - with imagery that is often sensual ad erotic. The scope of her work included innovative experimentation integrating live performance, music and video. This year found her once again an invited artist at the prestigious SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference. Her high-tech yet accessible imagery makes her an important and poplular 80's artist. WHISPERS IN A PLANE OF LIGHT (9 min. 30 sec.) ELECTRIC DREAM (4 min.)

Artweek 1985, Oct, Vol 16, Number 34
The Mill Valley Festival by Christine Tamblyn
A particular focus this year was the blending of video and performance....
Labat and Heyward also participated in a panel discussion about video and performance, together with Jo Ann Gillerman, Lynn Hershman and Patrick Morgan. The panel indicated that video performance is in a state of transition - from the exploration of interface between art and life that characterized its early days to a new phase of experimentation with the conjunction between computer graphics and live action. ...
One entire program was devoted to recent work by other artist from the Bay Area. Unfortunately, the quality of the pieces in that program was uneven. The Quantel-paintbox-simulated representations of god, goddesses, candles, comets and bubbles in Eduardo Gutekunst's tape, illusions, reminded me of the slick kitschiness of illustration on the covers of science-fiction paperbacks. Stephen Beck's The Lone Breaker, with is cute cartoons of break dancers and graffiti writers generated on an Apple II computer, demonstrated that low-budget computer graphics can be equally tasteless. Fortunately, JoAnn GIllerman's Orchid, which shows baroquely elegant digitized images of orchids dissolving and reforming indicated that computer graphics systems can be used to produce viable alternatives to "video wallpaper".