Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Archive Reference
Independent Video
in San Francisco: A Grand Tour
by Mia Amato
Videography, Volume 5, Number 2 - February 1980

Videography, February 1980 issue: (excerpts)
San Francisco Life among the Independents by Mia Amato (p. 37-42)
" Among the people who dropped by for our group interview session were Steve Agetstein, of the Public Eye, which sponsors the Moebius Video Festival,; documentarian Sam Sayour; video artists Max Almy, Jules Backus, Sharon Grace, Jody Gillerman, and Dawn Shifreen, and punk rock videographer Joe Rees.
*** "Television, it seems, not only legitimizes video in San Francisco, it enhances it. Video artist Sharon Grace and Viper Optics' Jody Gillerman both agreed on broadcast as the "natural" medium for video art" (see published correction below)

Images from "Homage to the Exploration of Venus" and "Excerpts" Video created by Jody Gillerman on the Digital Image Processor (DIP) - a Digital Video Image Processor Prototype designed by Dan Sandin) c 1980
I do not believe broadcast to be a 'natural' medium for video art. I do not support broadcast as a political institution. I was quite vocal at the meeting in suggesting that I personally was more interested in videodisc than broadcast.
Jo Ann Gillerman
Videography, May 1980 - Published Correction to article above
Videography Letters: page 4
*** This letter is in response to the article on independent video in San Francisco (Videography, February 1980).
I was at first pleased to see your magazine's attempt to give time to the West Coast video scene, however, I found the part of the article covering the meeting at LaMamelle, of which I was a part, to be totally inaccurate in at least two cases: There is a statement in the article: "Television, it seems, not only legitimizes video in San Francisco, it enhances it. Video artist Sharon Grace and Viper Optics' Jody Gillerman both agreed on broadcast as the "natural" medium for video art; ... "
I do not believe broadcast to be a 'natural' medium for video art ... , and I did not say this at LaMamelle during our meeting. I do not support broadcast as a political institution. I was quite vocal at the meeting in suggesting that I personally was more interested in videodisc than broadcast.
Also, the picture on page 39 is not of Sharon Grace, but Dawn Shifreen.
JoAnn Gillerman, Viper Optics, San Francisco, California