Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Archive Reference
Computer-Driven Video Art Systems (1977)
San Francisco, CA - Civic Auditorium and Brooks Hall
The West Coast Computer Faire was an annual computer industry conference and exposition. The first fair was held in 1977 and was organized by Jim Warren and Bob Relling. At the time, it was the biggest computer show in the world, intended to popularize the personal computer in the home. This first fair took place on April 16-17, 1977, in San Francisco Civic Auditorium and Brooks Hall, and saw the debut of the Commodore PET, presented by Chuck Peddle, and the Apple II, presented by then 21-year-old Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. There were about 180 exhibitors, among them Intel, MITS, and Digital Research. More than 12,000 people visited the fair. List of the papers presented during this session: William Etra, "Digital control of analog video synthesis equipment" Dick Shoup, "Digital video painting" Terry Craig, "Electronically produced video graphic animation" Tom DeFanti, Dan Sandin and Larry Leske, "Roaming around in Abstract 3-D spaces" Jo Ann Gillerman, "Video Synthesis & Performance with an Analog Computer" Stephen Beck, "Video Synthesis: Expanding Electronic Vision" Larry Forman chair a panel titled "Computer-driven video systems"

Click on link above to hear AUDIO presentation by Jo Ann Gillerman,
"Video Synthesis & Performance with an Analog Computer"
You will be directed to a page with audio sections: select Part 3 and Part 4
Jo Ann Gillerman's Audio Intro starts at the End of Part 3, most of presentation is the entire Part 4 of 6 – 26:20
Paper/Presentation by JoAnn GIllerman
Performance and Digital Processing: "Yorica" is analog highly influenced computer graphics •
Video that uses video space distinct from theatrical space • Live Video does not require recording •
Live Pressure Sensor Interactive Systems (set up in lobby) • Most of presentation describes varied systems and requests for designers/engineers to create User friendly Interface UI design • Computer Graphics, Video and Performance works shown during Presentation: "Yorica" and "Homage to Exploration of Venus by Russian and American Spacecrafts" Video/Computer Graphics: Jo Ann Gillerman, Sound: James Gillerman
List of the papers presented during this session:
William Etra, "Digital control of analog video synthesis equipment"
Dick Shoup, "Digital video painting"
Terry Craig, "Electronically produced video graphic animation"
Tom DeFanti, Dan Sandin and Larry Leske, "Roaming aroud in Absract 3-D spaces"
Jo Ann Gillerman, "Video Synthesis and performance with an analog computer"
Stephen Beck, "Video Synthesis: Expanding Electronic Vision"
Larry Forman chair a panel titled "Computer-driven video systems"